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Michel van der Aa - Transit

Hans Abrahamsen - Schnee

John Adams - Chamber Symphony | China Gates | Hallelujah Junction | Harmonielehre | Short Ride in a Fast Machine | Slonimsky's Earbox

John Luther Adams - Dark Waves | Four Thousand Holes | Red Arc/Blue Veil | Three Canticles of the Birds

Thomas Adès - Darknesse Visible | Five Eliot Landscapes | Lieux Retrouvés | Still Sorrowing

Julius Aglinskas - Daydreamer | Synchronicity

Ryoko Akama - a shed song | 10 days' etude

Julian Anderson  - The Bearded Lady

Louis Andriessen - Hout | De Staat

George Antheil - Piano Sonata No 2 "The Airplane"

Georges Aperghis - Quatre pièces fébriles

Milton Babbitt - The widow's lament in springtime

Joanna Bailie - Dissolve | Roll Call

Richard Baker - Cofadail

Clarence Barlow - Çoğluotobüsişletmesi

Bartók - Miraculous Mandarin (suite) | Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta | Out of Doors | Piano Concerto No 1 | Piano Sonata

Luke Bedford - Faraway Canons

Berio - Erdenklavier | Sinfonia | Wasserklavier

Birtwistle - Three Songs from the Holy Forest | Secret Theatre

Mark David Boden - Soliton

Boulez - Dérive 1 | Eclat

Laura Bowler - A damned mob of scribbling women | Houses Slide | Pierrot Deconstructed

Benjamin Britten - A Midsummer Night's Dream | The Little Sweep | On This Island | St Nicolas | Winter Words

Earle Brown - Hodograph 1

John Cage - Bacchanale | Credo in Us | A Flower | Living Room Music | Music for amplified toy pianos | Nowth upon Nacht | Sonatas and Interludes | Three Early Songs

Elliott Carter - Triple Duo

Richard Causton - Transients

CHAINES - Autopsy of an Aberration | so smol (hewwo)

Unsuk Chin - Gougalon

Aldo Clementi - Settimino | Tre ricercari

Fransisco Coll - Hidd'n Blue

Copland - Appalachian Spring | Rodeo (Four Dance Episodes) | Symphony No 3 | Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson

Mildred Couper - Xanadu

Henry Cowell - Lilt of the Reel | Ostinato pianissimo | Sinister Resonance | The Tides of Manaunaun

Laurence Crane - Composition for Piano No.41

Ruth Crawford Seeger - Five Songs

George Crumb - Apparition | Makrokosmos II | Music for a Summer Evening (Markokosmos III) | The Sleeper | Vox Balaenae

Chaya Czernowin - FardanceCLOSE

Angharad Davies - Empty Spaces II | Mwy na digon... | Rydal Mount

Tansy Davies - Grind Show | Neon

Debussy - Chansons du Bilitis (arr. Boulez)

Beatrice Dillon - Seven Reorganisations

Donatoni - Still

Joe Duddell - A Life Cycle | Parallel Lines

Lawrence Dunn - Double sonata | Suite

Dutilleux - Figures de Résonances

Julius Eastman - Evil N****r | Gay Guerrilla

Péter Eötvös - The Golden Dragon

Barbara Monk Feldman - Clear Edge | Duo for piano and percussion | The I and Thou | The Northern Shore

Morton Feldman - Between Categories | Crippled Symmetry | Dance Suite (For Merle Marsicano) | For Philip Guston | Lost Love | The Viola in My Life 2 | Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello | Why Patterns? | Wind

Edmund Finnis - Parallel Colour

Michael Finnissy - Alternative Readings | Whitman

Christopher Fox - Earth & Sea

Jürg Frey - Circular Music No 4

Arne Gieshoff - Spillikins

Bára Gísladóttir - Animals of your Pasture

Philip Glass - Music in Contrary Motion | Music from North Star | Two Pages

Michael Zev Gordon - Seize the Day

Jonny Greenwood - Water

Helen Grime - Luna | Percussion Concerto | Seven Pierrot Miniatures

Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen - For Piano

Andrew Hamilton - Music for people who like art

Henze - Voices

Rolf Hind - Lost in Thought | The City of Love | Tiger's Nest | Way Out East

Rozalie Hirs - Platonic ID

Simon Holt - A Book of Colours

Eva-Maria Houben - a peaceful silent place | together on the way

Brian Hughes - Searching

Clara Iannotta - They left us grief-trees wailing at the wall

Lisa Illean - février | Tiding II (silentium)

Charles Ives - Piano Sonata No 2 "Concord, Mass., 1840-1860" | Selected songs | Three Quarter-Tone Pieces

Janáček - Concertino | Violin Sonata

Betsy Jolas - Music for Joan

Molly Joyce - High and Low

Kagel - Transición II

Knussen - Songs without Voices | Two Organa | Whitman Settings

Jo Kondo - Aquarelle

Klaus Lang - Die hässliche Blume

Thomas Larcher - Ouroboros

Hannah Lash - C

Okkyung Lee - Signals

Oliver Leith - Doom and the Dooms | good day good day bad day bad day | grinding bust turning | I spend most of my life with a screen | Last Days | me hollywood | 664 love songs guaranteed to cure heartache

Tania León - Indígena

George Lewis - Assemblage | Tales of the Traveller

Luke Lewis - O Dreamland

Sarah Lianne Lewis - Letting the Light In

Ligeti - Etudes: No 3 Touches bloquées, No 5 Arc-en-ciel, No 7 Galamb Borong, No 8 Fém, No 13 L'escalier du diable | Musica Ricercata


Lutosławski - Epitaph

Sky Macklay - Microvariations | Plucky

Steve Martland - Drill | Horses of Instruction | Mr Anderson's Pavane

Christian Mason - Hölderlin's Madness

Colin Matthews - A Land of Rain


Peter Maxwell Davies - Ave Maris Stella | Hymnos | Miss Donnithorne's Maggot | Unbroken Circle

Christopher Mayo - Universal Food Machine

Messiaen - Cantéyodjayâ | Le Courlis Cendré | Ile de Feu | Oiseaux Exotiques

Cassandra Miller - Perfect Offering

Claudia Molitor - Tango

Nicholas Moroz - Intralatent

Nico Muhly - Motion

Tristan Murail - Winter Fragments

Thea Musgrave - Chamber Concerto No 2

Nancarrow (arr. Mikhashoff) - Player Piano Etudes Nos 6 and 9

Paul Newland - Monotonous Forest

Ben Nobuto - ZenGPT

Luigi Nono  - ....sofferte onde serene...

Laurence Osborn - TOMB!

Maja Palser - a cry

Tim Parkinson - Project 9000 | violin and piano piece 1998 | violin and piano 2017 | untitled 2021a

Arvo Pärt - Für Alina | Spiegel im Spiegel | Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinushka

Alex Paxton - Blue-Chew Cheerio Earpiece | Candyfolk Space-Drum | Justgum Friends

Julian Philips - Love Songs of Amy Lowell | Scenes from Varjak Paw

Michael Pisaro-Liu - a mist is a collection of points

Steve Potter - Music for the Sleepy

Poulenc - Sextet

Prokofiev - Five melodies for violin and piano | Sonata for cello and piano

Karl Aage Rasmussen - Genklang

Ravel - Ma mère l'oye (suite) | Sonata for violin and piano in G major

Steve Reich - City Life | Clapping Music | Double Sextet | Eight Lines | Four Organs | Music for 18 Musicians | Music for Large Ensemble | Music for Pieces of Wood | Piano Phase | Quartet | Radio Rewrite | Runner | Sextet | Six Pianos | Tehillim | Variations for Winds, Strings, and Keyboards

David John Roche - Prayers of Method


Romitelli - Flowing down too slow | Professor Bad Trip: Lesson III

Joel Rust - Skeins | Surfacing

Rzewski - Coming Together

Kaija Saariaho - Lichtbogen

Rebecca Saunders - Murmurs | Scar | Shadow

Schoenberg - Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op.16 | Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, Op.19

Salvatore Sciarrino - Le voci sottovetro

Scriabin - Etudes Op.8, Nos 5, 7 and 11 | Sonata No 9 "Black Mass", Op.68

Olly Sellwood - Alias States

Shostakovich - Symphony No 5

Nicoline Soeter - Solution

Stockhausen - Klavierstück XV SYNTHI-FOU | KONTAKTE | MICHAELS-GRUSS

Stravinsky - The Rake's Progress | Scènes de ballet | Symphony of Psalms

Lucio Tasca - DSFC (unison)

Benjamin Tassie - If I Lay... | The Anatomy of Melancholy

Mark-Anthony Turnage - Snapshots

Ustvolskaya - Composition No 2, Dies Irae | Piano Sonata No 4 | Piano Sonata No 5 | Piano Sonata No 6

Varèse - Ionisation


Vivier - Shiraz

Webern - Six Pieces for Orchestra | Variations for Piano, Op.27

James Weeks - Durham | Düsseldorf | Plain Air | Summer

Judith Weir - Airs from Another Planet | Ardnamurchan Point | Blackbirds and Thrushes | Chorale, for Steve | Distance and Enchantment | fragile | Michael's Strathspey | On Buying a Horse | Sketches from a Bagpiper's Album

Kate Whitley - Alive | Five Tiny Piano Pieces | I Am The Sea | Unknown Position

Christian Wolff - For Morty

Eric Wubbels - doxa

Ji Sun Yang - Récollection

© 2024 by Siwan Rhys


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